Emergency rooms are not equipped to address chronic pain, only acute pain. If you have injured your back, they will only handle life-threatening emergencies.
If you are experiencing chronic pain, it is essential to seek a thorough diagnosis from a pain specialist who understands how to effectively manage your pain.

The emergency room team deals with:
Severe life-threatening injuries
Suturing minor cuts
Sprained ankles
Fractured fingers
Foreign objects in the eyes
Ruptured eardrums or ear infections
And more, including road rash!
ER docs are cautious about pain. Your better suited dealing with your pain through a pain specialist that understands how to diagnose and treat chronic pain. Today, doctors are wary of individuals who frequently request pain medication.
Nevertheless, if you have recently been involved in a car accident or a work-related injury, it is advisable to consult a pain specialist for physical therapy and rehabilitation following an emergency room visit.
731 Flushing Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11206