Work Injury

At NYPMR in New York, we specialize in tailored medical care for those in the workers' compensation system.
Whether fractures, ligament tears, or other work-related injuries, our services span accidents from slips to sports mishaps.
From personalized physical therapy to surgical options; NYPMR provides a spectrum of treatments.
Our doctors oversee your recovery, from rehab exercises to surgical procedures, guiding you with expertise. Have a Question? Schedule an appt. today! (917) 310-4957
NYPMR's shoulder injury physical therapy: Tailored rehabilitation for shoulder injuries, expert guidance for recovery and strength.
NYPMR's neck and spine physical therapy: Personalized rehabilitation for neck and spine injuries, expert guidance for pain relief and mobility restoration.
Neck & Spine
NYPMR's leg and knee physical therapy: Customized rehabilitation for leg and knee injuries, expert guidance for strength-building and mobility enhancement.
Leg & Knee
NYPMR's hip physical therapy: Specialized rehabilitation for hip injuries, expert guidance for pain management, and mobility improvement.
NYPMR's hand and wrist physical therapy: Tailored rehabilitation for hand and wrist injuries, expert guidance for pain relief and functional recovery.
Hand & Wrist
NYPMR's arm and elbow physical therapy: Customized rehabilitation for arm and elbow injuries, expert guidance for pain management and functional improvement.
Arm & Elbow
NYPMR's ankle and foot physical therapy: Personalized rehabilitation for ankle and foot injuries, expert guidance for pain management and mobility restoration.
Ankle & Foot